About me
I am working in Mathematics at the Central China Normal University(June 2023--). My office is 522 (No. 6 building). Before this, I was a postdoc in Mathematics at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University(July 2021--June 2023).
My postdoc mentor is Prof. Pu Zhang.
I finished my PhD in Mathematics at the University of Science and Technology of China
(September 2016--June 2021 ). From August 15 2019 to October 9 2020, I visited the
University of Utah. My Ph.D. advisors are Prof.
Xiao-Wu Chen
and Prof. Srikanth Iyengar. My research interests are derived categories, commutative algebras and representation theory of finite dimensional algebras.
Here is my English CV (Chinese CV 中文简历).
Apart from the research, I like watching cartoons, playing table tennis, and climbing mountains.
Publications and Preprints
9. "Classifying thick subcategories over a Koszul complex via the curved BGG correspondence", with
Josh Pollitz,
arXiv version
8. "Gorenstein local rings whose cohomological annihilator is the maximal ideal", with
Souvik Dey,
7. "Ascent and descent of Gorenstein homological properties", with
Wei Ren,
arXiv version
6. "Annihilators and dimensions of the singularity category", accepted in
Nagoya Mathematical Journal 2023.
Published Pdf and arXiv version
5 "A partial converse ghost lemma for the derived category of a commutative noetherian ring" with
Josh Pollitz,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2023.
Published Pdf and arXiv version
4. "Triangulated categories of periodic complexes and orbit categories",
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2023.
Published Pdf and arXiv version
3 "Exceptional complete intersection maps of local rings" with Srikanth Iyengar,
Janina Letz and Josh Pollitz,
Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2022.
Published Pdf and arXiv version
2. "Singular equivalences induced by bimodules and quadratic monomial algebras" with
Xiao-Wu Chen and
Ren Wang,
Algebras and Representation Theory 2021.
Published Pdf and arXiv version
1. "Duality and symmetry of complexity over complete intersections via exterior homology" with
Josh Pollitz,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2021.
Published Pdf and
arXiv version
- Conferences links: FDLIST, VCAS, Fellowship of the Ring, and Commalg. MSRI-Video, BIRS-Video In 2024, I will attend the following conferences: 1. International Conference on Homological Methods in Representation Theory, Lanzhou, July 23-30; 2. ICRA2024, Shanghai, July 31-August 9; 3. International Conference on Triangulated Categories and Related Topics, Changchun, August 11-15; 4. Mini-course on Approximable Triangulated Categories, Beijing, August 19-26; 5. International Workshop on Commutative Algebra and Related Topics, Tianjin, September 16-20.
- Links to some Algebraists. Links to software Macaulay2 on Web.
- University links: Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, University of Utah.
- Links to Mathematics Genealogy Project, I Love PDF, zbMATH.
Teaching and Talks
These are
Teaching is always an important thing! In the fall of 2023, I will teach calculus at CCNU.
"Linear Algebra", Lecturer (SJTU) . Textbook: Qifen Jiang and Jun Ma
"Linear Algebra A2", Teaching Assistant (USTC), lecture: Prof. Xiao-Wu Chen. Textbook: Shangzhi Li 2006
"Linear Algebra A1", Teaching Assistant (USTC), lecture: Prof. Xiao-Wu Chen. Textbook: Shangzhi Li 2006
"Elements of Algebra", Teaching Assistant (USTC), lecture: Prof. Xiao-Wu Chen. Textbook: Keqin Feng and Hongbing Yu 1999
"Complex Analysis", Teaching Assistant (USTC), lecture: Prof. Luo Luo. Textbook: Jihuai Shi and Taishun Liu 1998
Stories, Mathematics Sayings and Quotes
There are some real stories about Mathematicans.
I'd like to collect mathematics sayings and quotes. Some of these sayings and quotes are funny.
Here are some of these photos of my life and the conferences which I attended.